
Books edited

2017    Božje postojanje i Božji atributi [God’s Existence and God’s Attributes], Institut za filozofiju i Udruga za promicanje filozofije, Zagreb.

2016     Filozofija politike. Nasljeđe i perspektive [Political Philosophy: Legacy and Perspectives], Institut za filozofiju, Zagreb (with L. Boršić and P. Šegedin).

2014     Filozofija i hrvatski jezik [Philosophy and Croatian Language], Institut za filozofiju, Zagreb (with L. Boršić and P. Šegedin).

Articles and Books Chapters

2024 “Fifty Years of Research into Croatian Political Philosophy. On Political Philosophy in Contributions to the Research of Croatian Philosophical Heritage.” Prilozi za istraživanje hrvatske filozofske baštine 50 (100), 2; 703-730. (in Croatian)

2022 “Kruno Krstić on peoples, nations and cohabitation.” Prilozi za istraživanje hrvatske filozofske baštine 48 (2022), 2; 327-346 doi:10.52685/pihfb.48.2(96).3 (in Croatian, with Viktor Ivanković)

2022 “Productivity of Croatian philosophers 2004–2020.” Prolegomena 21 (2022), 2; 193-208 doi:10.26362/20220204 (in Croatian, with Filip Grgić)

2021    “God, Worship, and Freedom.” Pro-Fil. An Internet Journal of Philosophy 22 (2021): 45-55 (with Davor Pećnjak).

2021    “Equality of Respect.” In S. Kutleša (ed.), Domovina, zavičaj, svijet. Zagreb: Institut of Philosophy, 2021. pp. 87-98 (in Croatian).

2020    “Intentions and Historical Injustices.” In Vacura, M. (ed.). Beyond the State and the Citizen. Prague: University of Economics and Business, Oeconomica Publishing House, 2020, pp. 42-55. doi:10.18267/pr.2020.vac.2397.0.

2020    “The Double Pendulum of History. Vuk-Pavlović’s Philosophy of History.” Nova prisutnost 18 (2020), 3; pp. 445-454. doi:10.31192/np.18.3.1 (in Croatian).

2020    “Goals and functions of public argumentation.” SocArXiv, 29 May 2020. doi: (with Zenker, Frank et al.)

2019    “Non-state actors and ethics of international relations, Društvena istraživanja 28 (2019), 4, 711-729 doi:10.5559/di.28.4.08. (in Croatian)

2018    “Community and values. Politics in works of Pavao Vuk-Pavlović.” Proceedings from scientific conference/ Alić, Sead (ur.). Varaždin: Sveučilište Sjever, 40-51. (in Croatian)

2017     “Foreword”. In Jolić, T. (ed.), God’s Existence and God’s Attributes. Zagreb: Institut za filozofiju – Udruga za promicanje filozofije, 7-10 (in Croatian).

2016     “Democracy as human right”. In Boršić, L., Jolić, T., Šegedin, P. (eds.), Philosophy of Politics: Legacy and Perspectives. Zagreb: Institut za filozofiju, 45-73 (in Croatian).

2014     “Climate change and human moral enhancement”. In Domazet, M. and Marinović Jerolimov, D. (eds.), Sustainability Perspectives from the European Semi-periphery. Zagreb: Institute for Social research, 79-91.

2013     “National Interest and Ethics of International Relations”, Politička misao 50 (2013) 1: 38-57 (in Croatian).

2013     “Moral responsibility and group agents”, Prolegomena 12 (2013), 2, 261-276 (in Croatian).

2013     “Global poverty and international distributive justice”, Društvena istraživanja 22 (2013) 4: 713-131. (in Croatian).

2011     “Political Realism and Anarchy in International Relations”, Prolegomena 10 (2011) 1: 113-130 (in Croatian).

2007     “Philosophical institutions in Croatia in 20. century”. In Barbarić, D. and Zenko, F. (eds.) Croatian Philosophy in 20th Century. Zagreb: Matica hrvatska, 27-40 (in Croatian).

Book reviews

2021     Stipe Buzar, Realizam i teorija pravednog rata, Prolegomena 19 / 1 (2021), 135-138.

2014    Hrvoje Cvijanović, Politička vizija Thomasa Hobbesa, Političke perspektive 4/10 (2014), 85-89.

2007     Nenad Miščević, Nacionalizam: etički pogled, Prolegomena 6/1 (2007), 149-154.

2005     Robert Nozick, Anarhija, država i utopija, Prolegomena 4/1 (2005), 145-148.

2005     Tihomir Cipek and Josip Vrandečić (ur.), Hrestomatija liberalnih ideja u Hrvatskoj, Prolegomena 4/2 (2005), 249-251.

2004     Daniel Bell, Komunitarizam i njegovi kritičari, Prolegomena 3/1 (2004), 90-92.